Friday, January 18, 2008

Our Paperwork is done!????? Or is it?

Last Friday we sent our last doucment to Russia; or so we thought. On Monday we were told that we needed the copy of our Pediatrician's license. So, off to Children's Hospital to pick that up and back to the Fed Ex box to get that sent to Madison and then to our Agency. DONE! NOT! Last night we were told that our Home Study expires on Feb 7th. That's about a week or so too soon. Guess what; more paperwork, getting documents notarized, sending them to Madison for Apostille and then Fex Ex to our agency! Will the paperwork never end????

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Boy's Rooms

We got a lot of work done this weekend. We finished painting and wallpapering. Now I need to make some curtains and quilt covers. I think I need some shelves for books, puzzles and stuff. We've already gotten two bags of clothes (thanks Mom!). We still need to go out and buy boots, snow pants and LOTS of other stuff!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Our Paperwork is DONE!

We got our last pieces of paperwork sent to Russia today. As soon as it get's there, then they'll be able to request a court date. We could get the call in a couple of weeks!

In the meantime we've been painting, wallpapering and cleaning out closets. We got a second bedroom set and have been collecting clothes and toys. I'll post a couple new pictures this weekend when we finish the bedrooms.