Thursday, March 20, 2008

We have a court date - April 17th

We FINALLY got our court date. Brian's birthday April 17th! We have doctor appts scheduled in Moscow for Monday 4/14. Last night we got our flights scheduled. We'll leave on Saturday morning and hopefully return Wed night 4/23. Below is our expected itinerary:

4/13 - Arrive in Moscow
4/14 - Meet with Doctors in Moscow
4/15 - Overnight train to Nizhniy
4/17 - Court Date - Boys are ours!!!
4/18 - Finish paperwork in Nizhniy
4/19 - Overnight train back to Moscow
4/21 - 1st day at Embassy
4/22 - 2nd day at Embassy
4/23 - Leave for Home!!!

If paperwork can't be finished on Friday 4/18, then we'll finish up in Nizhniy on 4/21 and our schedule will be one day delayed.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Good News - Sort of

We finally got a call from our agency yesterday. I thought they were giving us a court date, but not quite. The good news is that the Judge has our paperwork. Unfortunately our background checks and medicals have expired. The Judge has requested updated paperwork. So it's back to the police deptartment and back to the doctor. It's really sad when the background check lady at the police department recognizes you! It's one thing for your morning "coffee" person to know you, but the police department???!!! Anyway, this gives us time to finish our parenting class and do more work in the bedrooms. I still have curtains to make. I've updated a couple of pictures. Blankets that Aunt Janiece made, and a table that Brian made (and I painted).