Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to School

I can't believe it but the boys are going to school this year. Matt is going to all day kindergarten and started on Tuesday. Tim is signed up for Kindergarten Readiness and will start next week Tuesday. They're at two different schools but the start times are staggered so dropping them off won't be a problem.

What an awesome summer. Things started out a bit rough but we settled into a routine, got to know each other and everyone adjusted really well. We've been amazed at how Matt's picked up the english. I expected a word here and there but one day he just popped out with "Oh my Gosh!". It blew me away. After that the phrases kept coming.

Look at That
Just Wait
Come here please

I just love listening to the boys talk. Tim still speaks mostly Russian but we're hoping the Kindergarten Readiness will help him with that.

Below is a story from early June written by Brian:

The funniest part of today was getting them into the house with fishing poles held sideways and every other direction … they couldn’t get in the door.

So, Lola is sitting there watching this confusion and I tell the boys Come On … So, Lola “Comes On” …and so do the boys. I turn to Lola and say STOP … and the boys stop too. The dog and the boys don’t speak English, but they all understand “Come On” and “Stop” …

I was looking at a train collision at the doorstep as they all met confused.

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