Saturday, December 15, 2007

Don't Drink The Water

They warned us not to drink the water (or food washed in water). Linda got the ole Montezuma's revenge probably from some lettuce on a sandwich and has been sick. Brian went to the Kremlin and Red Square which is a 40 minute walk from the hotel. Then he got venturesome and went to "Walking Street" which is Old Arbat St. ... and 4 hours later returned to the hotel a little "chilled." We bought a regular size bottle of water for drinking and to use for brushing our teeth ... $11 !!!

It is now Sunday morning and Brian is heading to the hotel gym. Linda is packing. And we are going to head to the airport and wait on standby to see if we can get on the 1 PM plane. With the 9 hour time shift, we should arrive about 8 PM Sunday night.

Linda printed pictures of the boys and is carrying it in her purse and showing them off. We are in the beginning of the very last part of the adoption process and so anxious to bring them home !!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can' take my eyes off these pictures!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Sorry you caught a bug - but you might as well get used to it (kids bring home everything!!!). Praying for a safe trip back - I'll bet you'll be holding your breath the next few weeks until you get to return for your precious packages! What cuties.