Thursday, December 13, 2007

We have been Blessed!!!

Today we accepted our boys and met with a lawyer to fill out the Russian paperwork making this a formal request. Our job here is done until we get the next phone call in a couple of months inviting us back. That's when we can officially bring them into our family.

Our boys are perfect!! We played with them for a couple of hours today and had a lot of fun. We brought pictures of our family and home. They were excited about Lola. We have given them new names. Matthew Vladislav Diven looked at them a few times saying "That's our dog". He seems to be the deep thinker. Timothy Alexander Diven seems to be more graceful and athletic. He's always on the move!

We have one more day in Nizhny and then we go to Moscow for a couple of days.


BowlingBeauty said...

How awesome!!! What a blessing!!! I'm so excited for you all! You look like a very happy family, only thing missing... Lola of course! Can't wait to hear more stories! :o) Sheree

Den said...

Hey -- I'm so tickled and anxious to meet the boys myself. How cool! I'm at work, but couldn't wait to get home to check for an update. :) Lola will stay with Ma Sunday until Monday so we can go to New Ulm. She's doing fine. We've nicknamed her the princess. Love,

Melissa said...

Great photos! The boys look very comfortable with you both!! How lucky Matthew and Timothy are to have you both as their future parents! The fun is just beginning!!
Melissa Pettit

Suemarie said...

That's great!! I'm so excited for you(well for me too!!). I guess that means I'm not done with my christmas shopping. This will be fun. Can't wait to hear all about them, they are so cute. It will be fun watching someone else's little ones at holidays etc... Oh ya, and now who gets to throw the birthday parties Hee Hee Hee. Just kidding you know I'll always be happy to help if you want it. You both, Matthew and Timothy will all be bless by your desire to follow God's nudging on your heart. God Bless you, Sue

Journey for Xiao said...

We are sooooo happy for all of you. The pictures and update are great. Katherine prints them out and keeps them in her room !! She even took the picture of Lola from the blog and made it her background on the computer !! The boys looks so happy already and I am praying for you and for them, that the transition may be smooth. Sarah and Steve say Hi as well.