Monday, April 14, 2008

It was a GREAT day!

After touring Red Square we had our Moscow Physicals. Everything went great. They're preparing the letter for the judge in Nizhniy to recommend us as adoptive parents. We had a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant and are now ready for bed! Again! Tomorrow night we leave for Nizhniy on the overnight train, so we will be tired again but save a night of hotel costs.

At this point we wait for the judge's decision to bless us with these children on Thursday 4/17 (Brian's birhtday).

1 comment:

Den said...

Thank you God!!!! Good stuff!!! Ma called me too to share the news! I'll tell Lola to get ready for brothers. We've already been talking about that. :) She got a few pets this morning from kids going to the bus stop while we were out for her walk. I'm going to have to walk earlier to avoid those kids -- it slows things down a bit.
Love ya,