Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Pouter, The Follower, & The Scavengers

We are definitely starting to see their personalities coming out. Vlad is big brother, watches over Sash and guides him - and I'm probably a bit of a threat to the way of life that he is used to. This morning they both had juice and I set out some blueberries. It sounded like Vlad said to Sash that he had to finish his juice before he could have blueberries, and he swiped at Sash as he went for the blueberries and spilled the juice. I gave Sash a blueberry, and Vlad was NOT happy about that. He's had to play big brother and father for so long, that I'm sure this will be an adjustment that will take a lot of time and consistency for him to understand the new family order.

Sasha is the follower. He reminds me of Lola, so innocent, in awe of everything, and wanting to please. Vlad wants everything, and if he doesn't get it, he pouts and withdraws. That doesn't last real long, but as the "previous" father, he is used to making decisions for his brother all day long - and when they aren't the same as what Linda or I feel is best, he pouts and doesn't participate.

Lola and the boys have one thing in common - if they see food on the floor, they go for it!!! We went to TGI Friday's yesterday and there was food on the floor, and before you could blink an eye, both boys were on their belly's, and had the food in their mouths chewing before we even knew where they went. They've found potato chips in the carpet that they started eating ... you name it, if they see food anywhere BUT on their plate, they eat it. We are very tempted to just throw their meals on the floor. They are absolutely incredible at sharing with each other ... if there is a last piece, they will split it. If one gets water, before he gives it back, he will take it to his brother and offer it to him too.

Battery running low - so I gotta send the post for now.


Den said...

Hey -- I missed your blog yesterday when our internet was down. How interesting as more & more unfolds as you get to know the boys and they get to know both of you! Our prayers are with you! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Den et al

Dan Rotar said...

Congrats Brian and Linda!! The boys are beautiful!

Good luck at the embassy. One final step before coming home.

Dan and Sandy Rotar