Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sash made us coffee this morning!

These boys are so good ... Sash took the plastic bottle of Taster's Choice, put it on top of the stove and turned it on. When I got there, I had some nice hot coffee and just needed to add water (he forgot that part). It tasted a little plastic-y, but hey, it was his first attempt. OK, Linda - now that you've come out of the shower, how have you been doing?

I finally got to do a load of laundry. Never thought I'd look forward to that so much. I got to hang it on a drying rack in the family room since we don't have a dryer. Next; darks!


Journey for Xiao said...

How nice! He is already trying to please you. Sounds like you are doing well. It is hard when you can't really settle into a routine. I bet you can't wait to get home !! Will continue to pray for all of you.


maryl said...

Love the pictures. Linda, I'm glad that you were able to have a relaxing shower. Brian, glad you had coffee,and were there in time to add water. You are almost home. That thought can help to get you thru. I keep you all in my prayers always. Love Mom