Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wonderful Surprise

There was some confusion yesterday and we had to leave the apartment by noon and then "hang out" until the 10:30 PM train to Nizhny. It was raining and cold, and as we chatted, we realized I didn't pack Linda's dress slacks for court tomorrow. So, we went to Hard Rock Cafe, went shopping, and just kept eating and shopping and walking until our trip. Linda didn't sleep well and I did - which was the opposite of our last trip. We arrived disheveled, stinky, and ready for a day of recovery.

We were greeted by our facilitator and he said, SURPRISE - we're going to the orphanage to visit the boys! The next surprise is that he had a temporary hotel room for us to shower and clean up for the day - and then a 2 hour car ride. When we got there, the boys were outside playing. Sasha spotted Linda from a ways away and came running full steam ahead and jumped into her arms! Vladik saw his brother take off running and looked and then spotted me, and he came running and jumped into my arms! They were made aware of the situation and have been calling us Mama and Papa since we've been gone and looking at the pictures we had sent them.

The director also seemed very happy we had returned and said she is pleased the boys will have parents that love them. In an hour or so, our translator will be coming to the hotel to brief us on the court visit tomorrow and the questions to expect from the judge. We thought today would be boring.

Tomorrow, court is scheduled for 10 AM. If the judge approves everything, we may be applying for their passports and then heading to the orphanage to bring them into our family and back to the hotel with us. I'm not sure when we will have a chance to update the blog tomorrow - but we will, as soon as we can! The court house is very close to our hotel room.

Tomorrow's a big day - and Linda's really gonna look nice wearing pants! That might have been difficult to explain!


Den said...

Thank you Lord!!!! I can't imagine what it felt like to have those 2 boys come running to you like that!!! How wonderful!!! I am shaking & covered in goosebumps & have tears in my eyes. I just want to tell everyone the good news. I sounds like the rest will all be a formality. Oh -- I just can't imagine! I'm SO HAPPY for you and for the boys! Our prayers are being answered. I'll keep praying!
P.S. I'm glad Linda will have pants on! :)

Robyn said...

What an amazing day! Interesting to hear that although they have been preping the kids for your return, the director wasn't sure it would happen. So wonderful to hear the kids reaction to seeing you!! Talked to Aunt Wanda this morning, she was almost giddy and couldn't quit laughing. Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow. Not only will you be parents, but the boys will have a Mom and Dad. Give those Godkids a big hug from Kurt and I. Love you all! (Can't wait to see pictures of those great new Russian pants! but have the boys in the picture too, ok?!)

BowlingBeauty said...

Awwwwwwwwwww YAY I'm so excited for you guys. I can just picture them running to you all and all the smiles! Thats awesome that they know that you all are their parents and have already been calling you mama and papa! WOO HOO

maryl said...

GOD really knows how to bless each one of us. You and the boys are a match made in heaven. It's 10:55 and I am too hipper to sleep. Tomarrow we can call you Daddy & Mama,Well thats only a few hours a
way for you. Love you all p.s. Happy Happy Birthday!