Yes, pinch yourself ... re-read it ... cry, shout, praise God ... it's true. We can now post pictures of 2 boys named Matthew Vladislav Diven and Timothy Alexander Diven, sons of Brian and Linda Diven. We will also be coming home the middle of next week around 4/23 or 4/24.
We are expecting to head to the orphanage around 3 PM today and will have their passports either tomorrow or on Monday. Once we have the passports, we can head to Moscow to work with the American Embassy to finalize our trip home. Linda, is there anything you want to add? How about some pictures people have been waiting for?
It's hard to stop crying long enough to see what I'm typing. We'll be leaving here around 3pm to go get OUR boys! We have a "little" more paperwork to do and then we're heading back to Moscow. I still can't believe this just happened. I'm a MOM! The boys are amazing. I'll need to get used to those muscial cars we have. THANKS Gorczany's! They're a BIG hit with the boys. We'll be hearing those songs over and over and over again. I'm SO excited!!!!
Here are our pictures of the boys!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
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After feeding Lola and letting her out I checked your blog -- I am so thrilled for you both!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!!! What a blessing and again so many prayers answered. Thanks God!!! We'll keep praying & look forward to seeing you on April 23rd, Lord willing.
Tom & Den
P.S. Give the boys a hug from us!
I am crying at 5:30 a.m. reading your post. I am soooo happy for you !! And you're welcome for the musical cars. Just wait until some gets them a drum set !! Opps, did I give anyone any ideas ??!!
The picture of them running into your arms and calling you Mama and Papa is so cool.
I am praying they attach well to you and that you adjust well to them.
God is good !!
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