Monday, April 21, 2008

The Last Push ...

Well, here we are on our last day of paperwork in Moscow. We have a 2 PM appt. at the American Embassy to get the boys Visas and we will be given their adoption papers, birth certificates, medical, vaccination documents, etc. This then goes into a sealed envelope that we present to Customs/Immigration for processing when we arrive in Atlanta tomorrow (at least that's our understanding).

Child's laughter - is there anything else like it? They can get into so much trouble and burst into such innocent laughter. I'll say turn it "OFF" ... and they start repeating the word OFF like it's the funniest word they've ever heard. So, then I put my fingers to my lips and say SHHHHH - oh my gosh, that's even funnier as they look at each other with a serious face, mimic me with their fingers and go SHHHH at each other and then bust out, rolling on the floor laughing !!! If they continue to be this cute, I'm never going to be able to discipline them!

Two days ago they were chasing birds, yesterday we took some bread and they loved feeding them. I found it interesting how we fight for the under-privileged by nature ... there was one white pigeon that they wanted to feed more than the rest. We feel an honor to be helping these special boys.

1 Samuel 1:27 (paraphrased)
We prayed for these children, and the LORD has granted us what we asked of him.

Linda, how are bath time and bedtime routines going?

Well, every day is different. We know they need to put the PJs on, go to the bathroom, get a drink and brush their teeth. We usually miss one of them each night. They always remind us of the "papeete" (drink). Sometimes we put them to bed, sit down on the couch and say "Did you take them to the bathroom? No, did you? No. Boys! Time to go to the toolyet! (Toilet)." They jump out of bed, take care of business and we start all over trying to get them to sleep. We've had to empty the bedroom of EVERYTHING! The boys are REALLY good, though. Brian's gotten to the point where we can walk into the bedroom, put out his hands and toys get delivered. Timmy even opened his night table drawer and gave brian what he had stashed in there! If they get too loud giggling, jumping on the bed, etc, then we take one of them out of the room into the family room with us and hold him while the other settles down. They know they've been misbehaving and whoever was out here with us jumps into bed, pulls up the quilt and goes right to sleep. It'll be nice to get home so that the surroundings stop changing and they begin to understand "sleep" time.

Time to get on with the day!


Den said...

It is so neat to read these updates! I'm glad things are going well! Yes laughter is contagious -- how funny about the chuckles! I will pray for the long travels home.
Den et al

Den said...

Belated Happy Anniversary!

Sorry I missed it by a day!

Love ya,
Den et al

maryl said...

I love the laughter and the hugs. Sounds as if the boys are learning fast. They have a huge job ahead but are ready. So do mom and dad. I'm still praying for you and a safe trip home. I love you so much. Mom